Chinese new year sayings year of pig

Here are some Chinese New Year sayings for the Year of the Pig:

1. 猪年大吉 (Zhū nián dà jí) - Good luck in the Year of the Pig

2. 财源滚滚 (Cái yuán gǔn gǔn) - May wealth come pouring in

3. 生意兴隆 (Shēng yì xīng lóng) - May your business prosper

4. 身体健康 (Shēn tǐ jiàn kāng) - Wishing you good health

5. 万事如意 (Wàn shì rú yì) - May all your wishes come true

6. 福禄寿喜 (Fú lù shòu xǐ) - Blessings of happiness, prosperity, longevity, and good fortune

7. 一帆风顺 (Yī fān fēng shùn) - Smooth sailing all the way

These sayings are commonly used to wish others well during the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Above is Chinese new year sayings year of pig.

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