Conor mcgregor sayings im not here

Here are some famous sayings by Conor McGregor:

1. "I'm not here to take part, I'm here to take over."

2. "Precision beats power, timing beats speed."

3. "I fear no man. If you breathe oxygen, I do not fear you."

4. "Doubt is only removed by action. If you're not working then that's where doubt comes in."

5. "I stay ready so I don't have to get ready."

6. "There's no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession."

7. "I am cocky in prediction. I am confident in preparation, but I am always humble in victory or defeat."

8. "I'm just trying to be myself. I'm not trying to be anyone else."

9. "I have the greatest job in the world. I get paid loads of cash for beating the crap out of people. And I'm very good at it."

10. "I don't look at a man who's expert in one area as a specialist. I look at him as a rookie in ten other areas."

Above is Conor mcgregor sayings im not here.

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