Dominik hasek sayings

Dominik Hasek, the legendary Czech ice hockey goaltender, is known for his unique playing style and his colorful personality. Here are some of his famous sayings:

1. "I never look at the puck. I look at the player's chest or his eyes."

2. "I play my best when I am relaxed and having fun."

3. "I don't care who scores the goals, as long as we win."

4. "I don't fear anything. I don't fear anybody."

5. "I always believe I can stop the puck, no matter how impossible it seems."

6. "I don't like to lose. I hate losing."

7. "I play every game like it's my last."

8. "I don't care about statistics. I care about winning."

9. "I am not afraid to take risks. That's how you achieve greatness."

10. "I love challenges. The bigger the challenge, the better I play."

Above is Dominik hasek sayings.

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