French idioms sayings

1. "Avoir le cafard" - To have the blues (literally "to have the cockroach")

2. "Casser les pieds à quelqu'un" - To annoy someone (literally "to break someone's feet")

3. "Avoir un poil dans la main" - To be lazy (literally "to have a hair in the hand")

4. "Mettre son grain de sel" - To give one's opinion when it's not needed (literally "to put one's grain of salt")

5. "Tomber dans les pommes" - To faint (literally "to fall into the apples")

6. "Avoir le cœur sur la main" - To be generous (literally "to have the heart on the hand")

7. "Faire la grasse matinée" - To sleep in (literally "to do the fat morning")

8. "Avoir le bras long" - To have influence (literally "to have a long arm")

9. "Mettre la charrue avant les bœufs" - To put the cart before the horse (literally "to put the plow before the oxen")

10. "Avoir un chat dans la gorge" - To have a frog in one's throat (literally "to have a cat in the throat")

Above is French idioms sayings.

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