Funny birthday thank you sayings

1. "Thanks for the birthday wishes! I promise not to reveal your real age to anyone."

2. "I'm officially one year older and wiser... or at least that's what I'm telling myself. Thanks for the birthday love!"

3. "Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm accepting gifts in the form of cake and cash."

4. "Another year older, another year closer to retirement. Thanks for the birthday wishes!"

5. "Thanks for the birthday love! I appreciate you pretending to remember my birthday."

6. "I may be getting older, but at least I have friends like you to make me feel young. Thanks for the birthday wishes!"

7. "Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'm one year closer to becoming a crazy cat person... and I couldn't be more excited."

8. "Another year, another excuse to eat cake. Thanks for the birthday wishes!"

9. "Thanks for the birthday love! I promise not to hold it against you for reminding me how old I am."

10. "I'm so grateful for all the birthday wishes! Now, who's ready to party like it's 1999?"

Above is Funny birthday thank you sayings.

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