Funny get well sayings after knee surgery

1. "Sorry to hear about your knee surgery, but look on the bright side - at least you have a good excuse to skip leg day at the gym!"

2. "Sending healing vibes your way - may your knee recover faster than you can say 'I should have listened to my doctor!'"

3. "They say laughter is the best medicine, so here's a joke to speed up your recovery: Why did the knee go to the party? Because it heard it was a 'knee-slapper'!"

4. "Wishing you a speedy recovery from knee surgery - may your pain meds be strong and your Netflix queue be endless!"

5. "Remember, every step you take on the road to recovery is one step closer to being able to dance the night away again - just maybe not the Macarena for a while!"

6. "I heard you're laid up after knee surgery - just think of it as a forced vacation from all those pesky chores like mowing the lawn and taking out the trash!"

7. "Get well soon! Just think, once your knee is all healed, you'll have a great story to tell about the time you conquered knee surgery like a boss!"

8. "Sending you healing thoughts and a virtual high-five for being a total knee surgery rockstar - you've got this!"

Above is Funny get well sayings after knee surgery.

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