Sayings about people on social media

1. "Social media is a platform where people show their highlight reels, not their behind-the-scenes reality."

2. "Not everything you see on social media is real; it's a curated version of someone's life."

3. "In a world of filters and hashtags, authenticity is a rare find on social media."

4. "Likes and followers don't define your worth as a person."

5. "Comparison is the thief of joy, especially on social media."

6. "Behind every perfect post is a person with imperfections and struggles."

7. "Don't believe everything you see on social media; it's often a facade."

8. "Social media can be a breeding ground for insecurity and self-doubt."

9. "Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth on social media."

10. "Remember, people only share what they want you to see on social media."

Above is Sayings about people on social media.

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