Sayings about street art

1. "Art is not a crime, it's a form of expression."

2. "The streets are our canvas, and art is our voice."

3. "Street art speaks where words fail."

4. "In a world full of noise, street art is a silent revolution."

5. "Beauty can be found in the most unexpected places, like on the walls of a city street."

6. "Street art is the heartbeat of a city, pulsing with creativity and passion."

7. "Art is meant to be shared, and what better place to share it than on the streets?"

8. "Street art is a form of rebellion against the mundane, a splash of color in a grey world."

9. "The streets are alive with art, telling stories and sparking conversations."

10. "Street art is a reminder that creativity knows no boundaries, and art belongs to everyone."

Above is Sayings about street art.

Taunt quotes and sayings hindi

1. तू जितना भी चिढ़ा ले, मेरी चालें तेरे लिए अजीब ही रहेंगी।2. हारने वालों को हार की आदत होती है, और जीतने वालों को जीत की लत होती है।3. दुश्मनों को जलने की बू आने दे, वरना तेरी जीत का इशारा देने दे।4. जिस दिन मैं हारूंगा, उस दिन तू मेरे दुश्मन कहलाएगा।5. जीतने के लिए तैयार रह, क्योंकि मैं

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