Sayings and doings

"Actions speak louder than words."

"Practice what you preach."

"Actions speak louder than words."

"Talk is cheap, show me your actions."

"Actions speak louder than words."

Above is Sayings and doings.

Funny lack of sleep sayings

1. I'm so tired, I could sleep for a week... but I probably won't.2. I'm not sure if I'm sleep-deprived or just living in a constant state of exhaustion.3. I'm running on caffeine and sheer willpower at this point.4. I haven't slept in so long, I think my bed forgot what I look like.5. I'm

Sayings on sampling

1. Sampling is like a treasure hunt for the perfect sound.2. In sampling, the possibilities are endless.3. Sampling is the art of turning the ordinary into extraordinary.4. Sampling is a way to pay homage to the music that came before us.5. Sampling is the bridge between past and present, t

Sayings on rabiul awal month

1. The month of Rabiul Awal is a time of blessings and mercy from Allah.2. In the month of Rabiul Awal, let us strive to increase our love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).3. Rabiul Awal is a reminder of the birth of the greatest mercy to mankind, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon

Cheap and quick sayings

1. Easy come, easy go.2. Time is money.3. A penny saved is a penny earned.4. Better late than never.5. Actions speak louder than words.6. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.7. The early bird catches the worm.8. Rome wasn't built in a day.9. When life gives you lemons, make

Scotty sayings star trek

Beam me up, Scotty! - Captain Kirk

Beautiful sayings for gf

1. You are the sunshine that brightens my day and the moonlight that guides me through the night.2. In your eyes, I see a reflection of my soul, and in your smile, I find my happiness.3. You are not just my love, you are my life, my world, and my everything.4. With you, every moment is a trea

Funny bow tie sayings

1. Bow ties are cool. - The Eleventh Doctor2. Real men wear bow ties. 3. Bow ties: because regular ties are too mainstream.4. Bow ties make everything better.5. Life is too short to wear boring ties. Wear a bow tie!6. Bow ties: the ultimate fashion statement.7. Bow ties: the mark of a t

Nihilistic sayings

1. Life is a meaningless void, filled with temporary distractions.2. In the grand scheme of the universe, our existence is insignificant.3. There is no inherent purpose to our existence, only the illusion of meaning we create for ourselves.4. We are all just specks of dust in the vast emptine

Pirate sayings

1. Shiver me timbers!2. Ahoy, matey!3. Avast ye!4. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!5. Dead men tell no tales.6. Sail ho!7. Aye, aye, captain!8. Batten down the hatches!9. Scurvy dog!10. Walk the plank!

Big book sayings

1. The only way to do great work is to love what you do. - Steve Jobs2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu3. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - Martin Luther King Jr.4. The only thing necessary for the