Sayings with eyelash

1. "Make a wish upon a falling eyelash."

2. "Eyes like stars, with eyelashes as their shimmering curtains."

3. "Long eyelashes, short temper."

4. "Batting eyelashes can be a powerful weapon."

5. "Eyelashes are the curtains to the windows of the soul."

6. "She fluttered her long eyelashes, hiding her true intentions."

7. "The flutter of her eyelashes spoke volumes without a word."

8. "Eyelashes like feathers, framing the eyes with grace."

9. "Her eyelashes were like delicate lace, framing her eyes with elegance."

10. "Long eyelashes, short sight."

Above is Sayings with eyelash.

Sayings and doings

Actions speak louder than words. Practice what you preach.Actions speak louder than words.Talk is cheap, show me your actions.Actions speak louder than words.

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