Sayings with work in them

1. "Hard work pays off."

2. "Work smarter, not harder."

3. "All in a day's work."

4. "The fruits of your labor."

5. "Put in the work."

6. "Work hard, play hard."

7. "Work like a charm."

8. "Work your magic."

9. "A job worth doing is worth doing well."

10. "The harder you work, the luckier you get."

Above is Sayings with work in them.

What goes around comes around quotes and sayings

1. What goes around comes around.2. Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.3. The universe has a way of bringing balance to all things.4. You reap what you sow.5. The wheel of karma turns slowly but it grinds exceedingly fine.6. Do unto others as you would have them do unto yo

Funny yard signs sayings

1. I'm outdoorsy in that I like drinking on patios.2. Please don't feed the plants, they're on a strict diet.3. Caution: Free-range children at play.4. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining why I'm right.5. I'm silently judging your landscaping.6. Beware of dog... he's friendly, but not ve

Rustic wood signs with sayings

Rustic wood signs with sayings are a popular home decor item that adds a touch of charm and personality to any space. These signs are typically made from reclaimed or distressed wood and feature a variety of heartfelt, funny, or inspirational sayings. Some common sayings you might find on rustic woo

Disney princess travel sayings

1. Adventure is out there! - Up2. The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. - Mulan3. Just keep swimming. - Finding Nemo4. A dream is a wish your heart makes. - Cinderella5. To infinity and beyond! - Toy Story6. Hakuna Matata, it means no worries. - The L

Sayings for anniversary invitations

1. Love is not just looking at each other, it's looking in the same direction. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry2. Grow old with me, the best is yet to be. - Robert Browning3. Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one. - John Keats4. A successful marriage requires falling in l

Old fashioned manchester sayings

1. Don't get your knickers in a twist - meaning don't get overly upset or worked up about something.2. It's chucking it down - used to describe heavy rain.3. I'm chuffed to bits - meaning very pleased or happy.4. Stop nattering on - telling someone to stop talking or chatting.5. Ee by gum

Top.boy sayings

1. You can't be a top boy if you're afraid to take risks.2. In this game, you either win or you learn.3. Trust no one, fear no one.4. Respect is earned, not given.5. Keep your circle small and your enemies closer.6. Stay low, move fast.7. Never let your emotions cloud your judgment.8.

Money tree sayings

1. Money doesn't grow on trees, but with hard work and determination, you can make it flourish.2. Plant the seeds of financial success and watch your money tree grow.3. Water your money tree with wise investments and watch it bear fruit.4. The roots of wealth are planted in diligence and nurt

Crappy wish fullfiling sayings

May all your socks be slightly damp.May your phone battery always be at 1% when you need it most.May your alarm clock always go off 5 minutes early.May your ice cream always melt before you finish it.May your favorite song always be stuck in your head, but you can never remember the lyrics.

Child rights quotes and sayings

1. Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future. - John F. Kennedy2. Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be. - Rita Pier