Food nepalese sayings wisdom

1. "Daal bhaat power, 24 hour" - This saying emphasizes the importance of daal bhaat (lentils and rice), a staple food in Nepal, as a source of energy and sustenance that can keep you going all day.

2. "Chatpate khaanu, chatpate bolnu" - This saying translates to "Eat spicy, speak spicy" and suggests that consuming spicy food can make you more lively and energetic in conversation.

3. "Kukhura ko masu, taato maasu" - This saying means "Chicken meat is lean meat" and highlights the health benefits of consuming lean protein like chicken.

4. "Aduwa, bhat, tarkari, chatni, khayo bhane, jindagi safal bhayo" - This saying conveys that if you have ginger, rice, vegetables, and chutney to eat, then your life is successful. It emphasizes the simplicity and contentment found in basic, nutritious meals.

5. "Jutho khana, jutho man" - This saying translates to "Impure food, impure mind" and underscores the importance of consuming clean and hygienic food for maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Above is Food nepalese sayings wisdom.

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Up and away sayings

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Chinese sayings about the past

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