Funny football mom sayings

1. "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a football mom. I can tackle anything."

2. "I may not understand all the rules of the game, but I sure know how to cheer loud!"

3. "I don't need a playbook, I've got mom instincts."

4. "My favorite position is on the sidelines, cheering for my player."

5. "I may not be able to kick a field goal, but I can kick butt in the stands."

6. "I'm not just a soccer mom, I'm a football mom - I can handle the rough and tumble."

7. "I may not have a helmet, but I've got my game face on."

8. "I'm the mom who yells 'Go team!' even when it's a scrimmage."

9. "I may not be able to throw a perfect spiral, but I can throw a killer tailgate party."

10. "I'm not just raising a player, I'm raising a champion. And I'll be the loudest one in the stands cheering them on."

Above is Funny football mom sayings.

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