Sayings about flattery

1. "Flattery is like perfume; it should be smelled, not swallowed."

2. "Flattery is like a painted fire; it gives warmth only to those who come too close."

3. "Flattery is like a counterfeit currency; it may pass for a time, but it will eventually be exposed."

4. "Flattery is the food of fools, but the poison of wise men."

5. "Flattery is the enemy of truth, for it seeks to deceive rather than enlighten."

6. "Flattery is the art of saying nothing with great enthusiasm."

7. "Flattery is like a sugar-coated pill; it may taste sweet at first, but it can have harmful effects in the long run."

8. "Flattery is a trap disguised as a gift; it may seem pleasant, but it often comes with hidden motives."

9. "Flattery is the language of hypocrisy, spoken by those who seek to manipulate rather than uplift."

10. "Flattery is a mask that hides the true intentions of the flatterer."

Above is Sayings about flattery.

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