Sayings with the word flash

1. "In the blink of an eye, everything can change in a flash."

2. "A moment of brilliance can come in a flash of inspiration."

3. "Don't let success go to your head like a flash in the pan."

4. "Life is like a camera, focus on what's important and capture the good times in a flash."

5. "Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and make decisions in a flash."

6. "The future is uncertain, so make the most of the present moment before it's gone in a flash."

7. "True love doesn't come in a flash, it grows and deepens over time."

8. "Success doesn't happen overnight, it's the result of hard work and dedication, not just a flash of luck."

9. "Don't let setbacks discourage you, keep moving forward and overcome obstacles in a flash."

10. "Life is too short to dwell on the past, so live in the present and embrace each moment as it flashes by."

Above is Sayings with the word flash.

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